Print Art and Collage Paintings by
Emanuel M. Ologeanu. This might just be a personal thing, but just go with it for a while... These paintings are reminiscent of what could be called partially formed dreams, where there isn't much definition and all you see is dark silhouettes. Little to no definitions in the faces, or any of the surrounding details, the kind of dream you wake up wondering, if there is a meaning to dreams, what did this symbolise? Enjoy the trip through the pictures Ologeanu, has laid out for you tonight.
This is the end of the road as far as the dream is concerned. They say that the mind does not dream of clocks or time passing, thinking of one is meant to wake you up. We don't know if this is true, but it sounds like a cool way to getting you out of a nightmare, an emergency door out of your mind.
Like the text backgrounds.