Jarek Lenski manages to create intricate and detailed mini sculptures using the Graphite or Lead out of pencils. Some of the miniatures, seem to be constructed by a single piece of graphite, others by sculpting components and putting them together. Apart from a Facebook page, that contains all of his work, we have not been able to find any more information about this talented sculptor. You have to be gifted with amazing dexterity and patience to be able to complete these delicate sculptures. Below we have included the tools Lenski uses to carve these little marvels. If you have any more information about him, please let us know and we will add it.
These are more examples of Pencil Graphite Sculptures on
Architectural and Movie - Pencil Sculpture and CarvingPencil Graphite Sculpture
Miniature Sculptures in Pencil Graphite / Lead
Lenski's Desk.
The instruments Lenski uses to carve his sculptures.
These are more examples of Pencil Graphite Sculptures on
Architectural and Movie - Pencil Sculpture and CarvingPencil Graphite Sculpture
Miniature Sculptures in Pencil Graphite / Lead
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