Self sustainability, a concept that is not achieving traction in our society, I am guessing too much push-back from the people that have all to loose from this way of life and this way of thinking...
This habitable building was developed by the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC). It was built in 2010 and was exhibited in Barcelona as a concept for self sustained solar houses. The energy produced by the panels would power the all of the electrical needs of the inhabitants of the house. Initial studies proved that the house could produce 3 times the energy needs the occupants had. The house was a collaboration of architects from 20 different countries, coordinated by IAAC and with the assistance of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The parts were cut using computerised cutting machines and 3D Printers were utilised. This is what was said at the time: "While in the 20th century form followed function, in the 21st century, form will follow energy. Buildings must be like trees, which are self sufficient, and must follow natural principles." Sadly, I have to say that, after 8 years from this project and 18 into the new millennium, this idea has not taken hold, in any significant way. Hopefully our Architects, Engineers, Builders, Politicians and Us the Consumers, are going to start demanding, that this kind of innovation, form part of our every day lives.
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