14 Oct 2017

Strength and Purpose through Charcoal Portraits

00-Gabrielle-Brickey-Strength-and-Purpose-through Charcoal-Portraits-www-designstack-co
An artist that extracts people's emotions, expressions and transposes them into the drawing.
With a degree in Visual Arts, Gabrielle Brickey, likes to experiment with many different mediums that include: charcoals, graphite, pastels, oil paints, digital media.  As you may have guessed form the tile, today we are going to have a look at her charcoal portraits.  My suggestion would be to click the image to enlarge them, so that you can see the beautiful expressions captured and gain some insights into Brickey's style of drawing.

01-Gabrielle-Brickey-Strength-and-Purpose-through Charcoal-Portraits-www-designstack-co
Press the Image to Enlarge it.

02-Gabrielle-Brickey-Strength-and-Purpose-through Charcoal-Portraits-www-designstack-co
Press the Image to Enlarge it.

03-Gabrielle-Brickey-Strength-and-Purpose-through Charcoal-Portraits-www-designstack-co
Press the Image to Enlarge it.

04-Gabrielle-Brickey-Strength-and-Purpose-through Charcoal-Portraits-www-designstack-co
Press the Image to Enlarge it.

05-Gabrielle-Brickey-Strength-and-Purpose-through Charcoal-Portraits-www-designstack-co
Press the Image to Enlarge it.

06-Gabrielle-Brickey-Strength-and-Purpose-through Charcoal-Portraits-www-designstack-co
Press the Image to Enlarge it.

07-Gabrielle-Brickey-Strength-and-Purpose-through Charcoal-Portraits-www-designstack-co
Press the Image to Enlarge it.

08-Gabrielle-Brickey-Strength-and-Purpose-through Charcoal-Portraits-www-designstack-co
Press the Image to Enlarge it.

09-Gabrielle-Brickey-Strength-and-Purpose-through Charcoal-Portraits-www-designstack-co
Press the Image to Enlarge it.

10-Gabrielle-Brickey-Strength-and-Purpose-through Charcoal-Portraits-www-designstack-co
Press the Image to Enlarge it.

11-Gabrielle-Brickey-Strength-and-Purpose-through Charcoal-Portraits-www-designstack-co
Press the Image to Enlarge it.


  1. Anonymous12/05/2024

    HOW. IS. THIS. POSSIBLE. Art is so hard but people make it look so easy, wow. Good job for whoever drew this :)

    1. hi there.

      The artist who drew these portraits is Gabrielle Brickey.

      So glad you like them and thank you for taking the time to leave a comment.

      We publish new art every day of the year, so don't forget to follow us at:


      I hope you have a wonderful Thursday. 🍃️🌺️🍃️DS


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