Simple and very functional habitation, that will satisfy all of your basic needs.
Some people treat their wants as if they were needs, Steve Auth from Woolywagons, shows us that you can distil your life, to a point where all the things necessary to lead a simple existence, can take place in a small space. There are people that would be very happy, comfortable and content, with a tiny house this size, me, I would like to have indoor toilet and shower. That said, others would happily share, communal toilets and shower facilities, provided in camping sites or some tiny home communities. The one thing a place like this does perfectly, is to really make you think and question architecture, what is really necessary in your life?. You can have bigger or a smaller tiny house, but the one thing they have in common, is the space restriction, which only allows for a certain number of things. What can you "Really", not live without?...
Front View.
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Bedroom Dining and Kitchen.
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Ceiling Details.
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Sitting Room Area.
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Sliding Table Dining Room.
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Detailed Carpentry.
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Side View.
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Front to thow.
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