5 Jan 2020

Hyper Realistic Pencil Portrait Drawings

Amazing drawings by a self taught artist
Ivan Kobilšek specialises in pencil hyper realistic portrait drawings.  There are some of famous people and others of people like you and me.  The thing they have in common is, the beautiful expressions that Kobilšek is able to translate, from the human being, to the sheet of paper.  Even in the darker drawings, the contrast is so good, that you miss nothing, of the facial features, of the people he is using as models. I hope you enjoy this post and you Sunday.

The Mountain Man.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.

Press the Image to Enlarge it.

Sir Anthony Hopkins.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.

Bright Eyes.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.

Charles Bukowski.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.

Albert Einstein.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.

Sad Girl.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.

Louise Bourgeois.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.

Johnny Cash.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.

Big Smile.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.

Mother Teresa.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.

Sam Elliott.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.


  1. i'm always thought that drawing life like pencil images was really something, and I still do, but why is it, that the artist just draws the same ol' same ol' as far as content? seems like with that much talent they could come up with something more interesting than the same portraits that just about every other pencil artist does.
    wonderfully done but where is the imagination in it?

    1. But they are not all celebrities and some of the ones that are, are not the ones that are most in fashion at the moment (most people wouldn't even know who they are). From the artists point of view, I think it's important to have a mixture. The famous ones create a benchmark, people know their faces and it proves to the viewer, just how close they come to reproducing the real thing. Plus all of the searches on the internet are going to be for people you already know. The point is the celebrities bring them to the site and there they can see the rest.
      Thank you for your comment, I really appreciate it and I hope you have a very Happy New Year. 🌿️🌺️🌿️

    2. yeah, i can see that not all of them are celebs... and those are the same celebs that have been on drawing sites over and over... check it out yourself.
      what should be drawing anyone in to any ones art is not just something they recognize but things that are different, unique, not the same old celebs or face after face after face or people they don't know. one should be able to walk past your work and have something that pulls them in, stops them in their tracts. the fact that one can make a portrait of someone, anyone, that looks like who they are is great. it takes talent to do that, but the talent should also go beyond that. take the art to a place where it is unique in its presentation. different from 'the people next door' so to speak. i am friends with a few really fantastic artists but no one seemed to really want their art till they stepped past the 'i can draw this to look like this' phase. when their work became unique just to them is when things took off. that is for me as well.
      i'm not trying to trash you, really, just want to make a point, that 'good' work is work that will span generations, techniques, and subject matter to where people will not say after a while 'oh, another...., nice.' and move on.

    3. But that is not how art has worked through the centuries. Standing the test of time is not the same as saying that it's a mark of diversity and uniqueness of approach. Take the 15th century Europe, arguably one of the most prolific and most famous ages for art, in that part of the world.
      Portraits from that era adorn many museums around the world, but if you look at it in detail, the art was heavily regulated. Most of if not all of the people that commissioned portraits were rich and it was divided, in my opinion, in 2 main sections: for rich people, it was a matter of status, depicting pretty much the same poses with the same mediums. The other part was Ecclesiastic and religious portraits. Countless of artist created paintings of Jesus, Saints and people from the bible, repetition was not a problem, as that is where the money was.
      Through out the ages there has been a strict adherence to 1 medium per art piece and a strict code of who could create art, There was not a variety in style, as all the portraits were semi-realistic.
      This is, in my opinion, the most diverse time in art, where everyone can experiment with various medium, styles, techniques and in one piece of art if they choose to. By publishing their work they can and they do inspire others, on DesignStack we are trying to show this diversity.
      You seem to follow us from time to time and must see that it's not all realistic and celebrity drawings, it's only a part of it and one some people like. You don't have to like every form of art, I don't, but with the variety we show, there should be something there for everyone.
      On the top right corner of the page we have a "search this blog". We don't generate the results, nor do we have any control over it. I just keyed in "portraits" to see what came up, you can try it yourself, or use this link https://www.designstack.co/search?q=portraits
      The result is really diverse, there are celebrities and realistic drawings but that is just a part of what we cover.
      This comment is not meant to be confrontational, I am just trying to explain what we are trying to do with this blog. I am glad you are voicing your opinion and discussing art, that is what we are about.
      I am not trying to make you change your mind, as like and dislike is a very subjective thing and every one is entitled to their own opinion. I just hope that there are other things, on our site, that you like and keep you entertained.
      I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday.🌿️🌺️🌿️

  2. Anonymous11/15/2024

    Good art work

    1. Hi there.
      Thank you very much for your comment.

      We publish new art every day of the year.

      You can follow us at:


      I hope you have a wonderful Friday. 🍃️🌺️🍃️ DS


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