28 Aug 2023

Tiny Detailed Architectural Drawings

Tiny drawings full of impeccable detailing.

American Freelance Artist Taylor Mazer is the precise builder of these amazing drawings.

We have featured this talented artist's work before, here on DesignStack. I can't but feel impressed, every time I see his illustrations. I love the out of focus feature, on the close details. They really give the whole thing, a delightful feel of artistry.

Mazer leaves his fineliner ink pen, to give us a sense of scale. I really don't know, how he is able to stuff so much detailing in these tiny illustrations.

If you are half as impressed as I am with Mazer's work, you are going to love them.

Have a great time on this post and your brand-new Monday.

Ps. I gave the images some titles.

For more of Mazer's work here on DesignStack, press this LINK.
New York skyline.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Layered building line.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Brickwork building.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Window detail 1.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Window detail 2.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
A view of roadworks.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Brick and iron bridge.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Ironmongery bridge.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Waste removal lorry.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Water tanks on the building.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.

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