1 Feb 2024

Animal Pencil Drawings and One Painting

Expertly finished animal drawings and one painting.

This art, is the work of German Artist Rebecca Neundorf.

Amazing finish which makes these animals so realistic. There are some WIP images, where you can see how the layers of details are laid, to achieve this incredible finish.

I love the cyan colour of the scales of the snake. The sweet prairie dog holding the flower and the Toucan with it's lovely little rubber duck.

Another one of my favourites is the parrot being put together, one feather at the time.

As well as these, there are more critters on this page. I will let you get on and visit them.

Ps. I gave the images some titles.
Ruffled owl.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Bird of prey.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Prairie dog.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Colourful bird.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Cyan snake.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Lynx cats.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
A parrot appearing on feather at the time.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Curious giraffes.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Parrot WIP.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Toucan and its little rubber duck.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.

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