10 Feb 2024

Sketches in Different styles and Medium

Plenty of sketches showcased, using different styles and mediums.

An artist whom goes by the name Pierox, is the one responsible for drawing the art on this page.

Coloured pencils, ink pens and what look like watercolours, take care of the medium portion of this post. Line drawings, drawing studies, minimalist and WIP, describe the styles involved in the following illustrations.

Sweet comes in many forms in the coming images. You can find that description accurately fitting many of the animals and people below. Some poignant pieces of art, serve to make a point or send a message. Feelings lived and expressed beautifully through different characters, is another aspect which sees me gravitate towards Pierox's enchanting work.

I hope you feel the same way towards the small selection of art I have picked, from this fantastic artist. Have a wonderful start to the weekend.

Ps. I gave the images some titles.
Cats drawing study.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
People drawing study.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Grandma's sweet smile.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Angel and demon.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Line drawing portrait.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Profile of a Vulcan.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Wanting to travel "Anywhere, but here."
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Snow monkeys drawing study.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Portrait drawing study.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
The travelling tortoise.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.

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