Doodle art which builds up to a greater picture. One, which in some cases, hides a surprising twist.
Sagaki Keita is the incredibly talented artist whom created the drawings on this page. More about the talented part, later.
I have divided this post in three groups. Celebrity portraits, Architecture sights and a mountain plus, a further selection of portraits.
As I mentioned above, these drawings are constructed using doodles. Each individual one, added to its neighbour, to constitute the finished piece.
In the case of the first three portraits, the doodles are of people. In the picture of Albert Einstein, there are 220 doodles which makeup this illustration. This comprises other famous physicists and so much more...
A list of their names is below the last image of the second copy of Einstein's portrait. The portrait contains all of the numbers, which match up to the list of names of people below it.
I can't even begin to thing of how long it took to get all of those references and draw them in a way which fitted the overall portrait...
Enjoy Keita's outstanding work and you Sunday.
Albert Einstein.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Audrey Hepburn.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Salvador Dalí.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
London England.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Paris France.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Mount Fuji Japan.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Every Little Thing.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Through Your Eyes.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Albert Einstein List.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
1 Jost Winteler
2 Paul Drude
3 Arnold Johannes Sommerfeld
4 Gustav Jaumann
5 Alexander Moszkowski
6 Julius Koch
7 Henry Rosso
8 Suzanne Markwalder
9 Hideki Yukawa
10 Edward Teller
11 Niels Bohr
12 Photon
13 Isaac Don levine
14 Charles Lindbergh
15 Helene Moos
16 Jakob Nüesch
17 Michael Faraday
18 Leon Watters
19 Fritz Haber
20 Carl Seelig
21 Heinrich Hertz
22 David Hume
23 Philipp Lenard
24 Georg Friedrich Nicolai
25 Frieda Knecht
26 Walther Rathenau
27 Chaim Weizmann
28 Fritz Kreisler
29 Menachem Begin
30 Max Planck
31 Jakob Einstein
32 Svante Arrhenius
33 Robert Oppenheimer
34 Bernhard Riemann
35 Bernhard Caesar Einstein
36 Max Wertheimer
37 louse that sits upon the Lion
38 Mahatma Gandhi
39 Galileo Galilei
40 Adolf Hurwitz
41 Betty Neumann
42 Paul Weyland
43 Gustav Maier
44 Evelyn Einstein
45 Max von Laue
46 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
47 Albert Michelson
48 rupture of aneurysm
49 Nathan Rosen
50 Heinrich Weber
51 Marie Winteler
52 Hermann Einstein
53 Pauline Koch
54 Marcel Grossmann
55 Luminiferous aether
56 Helene savić
57 Max Talmud
58 Caesar Koch
59 Hermann von Helmholtz
60 Robert Millikan
61 Anna Meyer-Schmid
62 Thomas Edison
63 Kurt Blumenfeld
64 Artur Schnabel
65 Samuel Marx
66 Samuel Untermeyer
67 Alexander Sachs
68 Margarete Lebach
69 Heinrich Zangger
70 Hippolyte Fizeau
71 Otto Nathan
72 Tullio Levi-Civita
73 János Plesch
74 Jakob Laub
75 Hans Tanner
76 Adolf Hitler
77 The Jew who abandons his faith and a snail that abandons his shell
79 Robert Brown and Brownian motion
80 Marie Curie
81 Arthur Eddington
82 Charles Edouard Guillaume
83 Margarita Konenkova
84 Leo Szilard
85 Arthur Schopenhauer
86 Abraham Flexner
87 Sigmund Freud
88 Wormhole
89 Henri Poincaré
90 Sailing
91 Ethel Michanowski
92 Aaron Bernstein
93 explosion in laboratory
94 Jean Pernet
95 Zytglogge
96 Joseph McCarthy
97 Long Sleeper
98 Otto Stern
99 Wolfgang Pauli
100 Satyendra Nath Bose
101 Marcel Proust "In Search of Lost Time"
102 Euclidean geometry
103 Werner Heisenberg
104 Gustav Kirchhoff
105 Frank Dyson
106 Erwin Schrödinger
107 Paul Dirac
108 Friedrich Haller
109 Joseph John Thomson
110 Bertha Fanta
111 Lieserl
112 Maurice Solovine
113 Maria Einstein
114 Cat named Tiger
115 Elsa Einstein
116 William Frauenglass
117 Mileva Marić
118 Walther Mayer
119 Conrad Habicht
120 Immanuel Kant
121 Michele Besso
122 Philipp Frank
123 Hermann Minkowski
124 Carl Wilhelm Oseen
125 Thomas Young
126 Paul Habicht
127 Charles Percy Snow
128 Louis de Broglie
129 Pythagorean theorem
130 Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
131 Harry S. Truman
132 Paul Hertz
133 August Föppl
134 Romain Rolland
135 Max Stern
136 Wilhelm Ostwald
137 Prussian Academy of Sciences
138 Solar eclipse of 1919
139 Margot Einstein
140 Michelson–Morley experiment
141 Judah Magnes
142 Cable car of matchbox
143 God does not play dice
144 Dr Thomas Harvey
145 Violin
146 John Hersey "Hiroshima"
147 Charlie Chaplin
148 Alfred Kleiner
149 Edwin Hubble
150 Friedrich Adler
151 Theory of relativity
152 David Hilbert
153 Isaac Newton
154 Ernest Solvay and The Solvay Conferences on Physics
155 Shinichi Suzuki
156 Against religion
157 Theodor Kaluza
158 man in a armchair and woman in an airplane
159 Jacob Epstein and Sergey Konenkov
160 Mount Wilson Observatory
161 Willem de Sitter
162 Sidney Hook
163 Scottsboro Boys
164 the Japanese transport ship "Kitano Maru"
165 Boris Podolsky
166 Abba Eban
167 Compass
168 Hans Albert Einstein
169 Helen Dukas
170 Sir Manasseh Meyer
171 Hendrik Lorentz
172 Gustav Bucky and Peter Bucky
173 Walther Nernst
174 Eduard Einstein
175 Eugene Wigner
176 Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
177 Nobel Prize in Physics
178 Session with old woman in attic
179 Franz Schubert
180 Letter Mania
181 Johannes Kepler
182 Ilse Einstein
183 Baruch De Spinoza
184 Léon Rosenfeld
185 Repulsion for military parade
186 Abraham Einstein
187 E = mc2
188 black hole
189 Russell–Einstein Manifesto and Pugwash Conferences
190 William Wallace Campbell
191 Albert Shadowitz
192 Max Born
193 Ernst Mach
194 "Don Quixote"
195 Albert Einstein's brain
196 Bertrand Russell
197 Manhattan Project
198 Hannah Arendt
199 flee to United States
200 Elisabeth of Bavaria, Queen of Belgium
201 James Clerk Maxwell
202 Allvar Gullstrand
203 Augustin Jean Fresnel
204 Emil Warburg
205 Franklin D. Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt
206 Hermann Weyl
207 Oliver Locker-Lampson
208 Ernst Strauss
209 World War I
210 Leopold Infeld
211 Marian Anderson
212 Stephen Samuel Wise
213 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
214 Ludwig Boltzmann
215 Erwin Finlay-Freundlich
216 Karl Schwarzschild
217 George Sylvester Viereck
218 Wilhelm Wien
219 Johanna Fantova
220 Paul Ehrenfest
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