11 Oct 2023

Pencil and Watercolor Animal Paintings

Pencil outlines covered with watercolor paints.

Slaveika Aladjova picks a varied selection of animals from land, sky and sea.

Unusual and very well known ones, keep each other company on this page.

I really like the style which connects all of them. That said, I have three I like a little bit above the rest. The first is the blue footed booby bird. Amongst everything else, I love the footwear it chooses to walk around with.

The second one, is the pig and that sweet expression. For me it's all the eyes. I love pigs, a very misunderstood and underestimated animal.

The third is the snail. Apart of the lovely colors it presents itself with, I really like the animal itself. Creatures which take their time and are never in a rush. A critter which takes its house around and call home, wherever it stops for the day.

The other paintings follow closely behind. I will let you discover them in your own time.
Blue footed Booby.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Cute red panda.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
American black bear.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Streamlined sea turtle.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Majestic rhino.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Sweet pig.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Colorful snail.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Vizsla dog.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Atlantic Puffins.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Gorilla profile.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Elephant profile.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.

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