8 Dec 2023

Black and White Movie Art Drawings

An array of different movie genres, depicted in black and white ink drawings.

Dani Tørres must be a real fan of sorts of stories, mainly from the recent past to a more distant one.

A collection of fantasy, adventure and horror stories waiting to ignite your memory.  Whether though incredible books, animated or film formats.

Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Studio Ghibli animations, back to the future and so much more, including horror ones.

Is one of your favourites shown on this post? Is there a movie you loved and haven't seen in a long time? Is it time to reacquaint yourself with it/them now that you have been reminded?

Have fun remembering with Tørres's art and enjoy your Friday.

Ps. I gave the images some titles.
Luke Skywalker - Star Wars.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Spirited Away Mashup - Studio Ghibli.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Gandalf - Lord of the Rings.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Marshmallow Man - Ghostbusters.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
My Neighbor Totoro - Studio Ghibli.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Edward Scissorhands.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Tooth Fairy - Hellboy.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Freddy Krueger - A Nightmare on Elm Street.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Jason - Friday 13th.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Ghost Rider.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
Dmc Delorean - Back To The Future.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.

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