24 Feb 2024

Nautical Animal Architecture Drawing and Paintings

00-Nautical-Drawing-and-Paintings-Petra Heider-www-designstack-co
A nautical theme full of animals plus architecture, depicted in these drawings and paintings.

Petra Heider created all of the illustrations on this page.

Let's look at the animals first: Mainly whales, the artist also includes otter, jellyfish, manta ray and giant octopuses.

As far as architecture is concerned: There is a high prevalence of lighthouses and a normal looking house. The surroundings in the images and the bases on which they are built, are all but ordinary...

A distinct cloud of fantasy surrounds and envelops these pieces. My favourites are the whale in the hourglass. Seems to beautifully represent, the lifespan of the gigantic mammal. Then, the whimsical drawing/painting of the whale in the soap bubble. Such a cool concept wonderfully executed.

Have a look through all of the pieces to find your favourites. Enjoy Heider's art and your Saturday.

Ps. I gave the images some titles.
01-Hourglass-whale-Nautical-Drawing-and-Paintings-Petra Heider-www-designstack-co
Hourglass whale.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
02-Jellyfish-bottle-Nautical-Drawing-and-Paintings-Petra Heider-www-designstack-co
Jellyfish bottle.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
03-Otters-in-a-tea-cup-Nautical-Drawing-and-Paintings-Petra Heider-www-designstack-co
Otters in a tea cup.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
04-Whale-in-a-chocolate-cup-Nautical-Drawing-and-Paintings-Petra Heider-www-designstack-co
Whale in a chocolate cup.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
05-Coral-island-Nautical-Drawing-and-Paintings-Petra Heider-www-designstack-co
Coral island.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
06-Lighthouse-round-bottom-flask-Nautical-Drawing-and-Paintings-Petra Heider-www-designstack-co
Lighthouse in a round bottom flask.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
07-Whale-in-a-bubble-Nautical-Drawing-and-Paintings-Petra Heider-www-designstack-co
Whale in a bubble.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
08-Whale-architecture-Nautical-Drawing-and-Paintings-Petra Heider-www-designstack-co
Whale architecture.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
09-Lighthouse-island-Nautical-Drawing-and-Paintings-Petra Heider-www-designstack-co
Lighthouse island.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.
10-House-on-an-island-Nautical-Drawing-and-Paintings-Petra Heider-www-designstack-co
House on an island.
Press the Image to Enlarge it.

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