30 Oct 2023

Architecture Cluster House Drawings

Ink architecture drawings in different compositions.

Architect Oleg Skukovskiy creates these buildings in a drawing study format. In fact, this is how buildings are usually featured off by architects. Different angles and a mixture of plans and elevations, plus sections (the latter missing here).

Black and white plus, colour drawings show varied aspects of the buildings. They don't seek to look realistic. Rather, a sketch approach with a warm view in lovely settings.

Definitely a change here on DesignStack. A beautiful succession of habitations vying for your approval and appreciation.

Let's see which ones you gravitate towards...
Houses on the hill.
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House perspective.
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House finishes touches.
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House different views.
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House side and aerial view.
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House from above.
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House with a glass wall.
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House with circular roofs.
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Mansion house.
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House buildings connected.
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House with different styles.
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